{birth story + meet the baby}
This birth story is omigosh-so-sweet!! The partnership between this couple was so beautiful to witness! And I know I have expressed many times in the past how much my heart melts when I see siblings meet, well this one certainly turned me into a puddle. And I’ll be honest, it’s not often that I get called during the day and am home before the end of the day. It’s usually the opposite! (Get called just as I am going to bed, and then home the next day, sometimes even the day after that!)
So I got the call just after lunch. The induction went smoothly and things were moving fast! I arrived to laughter between the waves of contractions. This couple really worked as a great team and Dad was on top of it trying help relieve the pain. This was baby number three, so they knew the drill. They continued like this until the pain became too intense. With the help of epidural there was a little time to rest before it was push time. It was just after dinner when this very in-control mama birthed their new ten pound baby! So cute and squishy! I stayed for a few more hours capturing all the beautiful first moments as they measured and weighed baby and loved on him as he breastfed like a pro! Then 12 hours later I returned to the hospital to document big brother and sister to come meet their new sibling!
Scroll down.
At the end you can watch the whole birth story video…
Meet the Baby
12 hours later…
Birth Story
Here is the whole birth story for you to watch.
{press play}
Location: Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto, ON