Cadence's Birthing Day

{birth story}

This couple reached out to me about documenting the birth of their 2nd baby, but sadly my birth schedule was fully booked. So when they reached out to me for their third baby I was very happy to have an opening for their estimated due date. I met with this family (which you can see here) and she told me they were planning the birth at the birth centre, which always makes me a little extra excited!! Have you seen that place?!? It’s beautiful and so cozy and inviting!! So in the early morning hours on March 29th, I got “the call”. When I arrive I walked in to a room so calm with a very focused mama. As she worked through her contractions she would listen and watch adorable videos on her phone of her children giggling and playing. It was really sweet that they were virtually there to help support their mama on their new siblings birthing day. Well, it wasn’t long before baby made her debut!! So fast, so wide eyed and alert! When her brother and sister arrived to shower her with cuddles, my heart just exploded. Watching siblings meet for the first time will never ever get old. Scroll down through some of my favourite images from this birth, and then press play to watch the birth story!

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*** now press play to watch this super love-filled birth story ***


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Welcome Home Little Brother

This past Autumn, Kiren became a big brother and welcomed home his new baby brother Niam. So I spent the morning with this family and got some super sweet shots! I can't get over the cuteness of new siblings. The pictures really make your heart melt! When your oldest becomes a proud new big brother or sister, and when the newborn stage always seems to last all of 5 minutes, there really is no better time to have a photographer come to your home to document these super special times for you. 

Thanks for stopping by!
To see more newborn photos, head on over to the Newborn Gallery.

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